Hunting. Another map found another container that can be part of a 9 rocket
Source: kw psp poznańń
In the forest in the forest in the wood (Great Vose) that can be other other part of the quarter, it was decided in the larger mel. The service confirms the application. The fire brigade and police are ongoing.
As the Pln24 has said the KW employee of the CVS in Paynń, at 11:15 wielkopololska in the crushing in the Reelamental Warning “in the Coverfoxia” to those who are similar from the rocket. ”
Four light brigades have been placed in place.
Krzyżkko. Tank “it looks like a” similar to those
Source: Wielkopolska Police
The Iwona Liszzza’s Office approved by the police press on the panna that reported to finding “some object” in the city of Mięzodki. “We confirm the application,” he said to us uniforms.
See: Not only fashions of muscle muscles around the pipe. “We did not use.”
Four items before
February 19, above Poland, Member of the Member 9 R / B Member of the rocketed from space to the atmosphere has been approved by the atmosphere of Poland Outline. The member of the rocket came with the mass of about 4 tons of the group of 18 of the California’s database, came from the California base.
Information by Polsa – Polish space agency shows where the object appeared in the forest side and appeared on the side of the forest in the field. All of these places are placed in a large package.
See: Kalan 9 in Poland remains. There is a space space message.
Programs that are not approved
Were also false alerts. For example, the police have received the pool of the object in the pool. These places have been searched but no elements found that can be associated with a rocket. Ин ба мудохила дар шаҳрҳои Константинон дахл дорад, Коммун Бедлно (KPPno), BęNO), BęDźMERowice (KPP POPNEC), Лутова WielKopolski (KPP SielkGard GDAJSKI), WANKSKI (KPPSKI), WANKSKI Izbica (KPP KPP Kranestar), Kobylasz, line area (kpp kpp wejherowo).
Author / author: ms / advertising
Source: Disiression 2, Pap
Main photos: wielkopolska police