At Sunday’s meeting of Polsat’s correspondent in Minsk Marek Sigac, Alexander Lukashenko, asked about the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border, the deaths of Polish soldiers and Lukashenko’s concept of the end of the difficult border situation. Ta.
“Marek, I don’t think you know my position,” Lukashenka said. He later added that Poland has an active policy towards Belarus and, in his opinion, is buying weapons to attack Belarus and Ukraine. – Why do we need an empire (…). Marek, calm down – said the Belarusian leader.
He added that he and Paul were friendly and wanted to “live a normal life.”
– Believe me, there is no other president in Belarus who would like to have good relations with Paul. (…) We are tired of our land. We don’t need to attack you or wage war against you – he continued.
See also: Belarus goes to vote. “Another fake election”
– Stop buying tanks. Buy a tractor. Your farmers are already sorry, they throw it … There is fertilizer under your office, and tomorrow they will plow the earth and have nothing to grow – he added.
Lukashenka manipulates about Poland. Journalist of Polsat’s “Event”
Lukashenko also criticized the sanctions imposed on Belarus.
Editor Sygacz was able to speak again after Lukashenko’s discussion. He noted that Poland has no plans to attack either Belarus or Ukraine.
“Marek, God,” Lukashenka said. – But what do you need a tank for? – he asked, stating that this is a rhetorical question.
See: First Alaksandr Lukashenko: Poland gave up. There is a response from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
From Lukashenko to Sikorski: don’t stab your nose
Later, ukaszenka’s spokesperson cited Radosław Sikorski’s entry on Portal X.
“Today’s elections” in Belarus. The wait for the winner to be announced is excruciating. By the way, I’m asking the media to unleash Alexander Lukashenko with the last dictator of Europe. The invader Vladimir Putin captured him and drove him away, ”- he pointed out the head of Polish diplomacy.
See also: Lukashenka eliminates the opposition. This time he reaches for a new method
– Why blame Russia? Why blame Putin? Don’t you have enough problems? Sikorsky is an experienced person. We met him, we talked. (…) Let him think about what will happen tomorrow. Today the fertilizer was thrown away by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and tomorrow by Polish farmers? – Lukashenko said.
“Let Sikorsky know not to stick his nose in places they don’t ask him,” he added.
On Sunday, presidential “elections” will be held in Belarus. Belarus’ opposition emphasizes that you cannot rely on the democratic electoral process.
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