Recently, the media has announced that it is planned to create a section in the 12th Criminal Department in the Warsaw district court. NEOSZIędzy, that is, a judge who was selected in front of the judicial committee after 2017. This council is evaluated -by the current authorities -as a politicized institution, so it is unconstitutional. He protested not only in laws and justice politicians, but also in legal judges, several laws.
“This forced separation acts should be deprived of the possibility that these judges will be ruled in the most important category case,” said the first SN President MałgorzatamanoSka in a published statement. 。 Manowska has exchanged a lawsuit on the application for detention at the time of resembling. She is the current method of using the application for a politician of the ruling coalition and using the application for temporary arrest by the current management of the Public Prosecutor’s Office -As she wrote, “these actions are intelligent. The Court of Warsaw is given to the purpose of a political struggle that may be motivated.
Magolzata Manouka about the “Neos Jau” section. “Signs of bright discrimination”
“There is no doubt that the judge’s planned transfer is the transfer without consent to the newly organized section of the District Court’s penalty division. This is the interpretation of Article 47 of the EU basic right card. The C-487/19 ‘EU judicial court could violate the judge’s silence and independence principle.
She also added that these actions were a judicial configuration that recognizes criminal issues, including the application of detention to the return. “By forcibly transferring the judge group to the planned section, the court’s appropriate questions are questioned and deleted from there,” Manouka wrote.
Furthermore, according to her, this type of behavior is a sign of a bright discrimination reminiscent of the “darkest moment in Poland”, as she emphasized. “They also translate the efficiency of examining the case in a common court, and deepen the length of the lawsuit filed by the Judicial Minister in search of the position of a liberal justice in a common court,” she said. Added.
A section of the Judge of SO in Warsaw. “Deleted from the issued statement” means
The plan to create a section two weeks ago was written by the portal. This states that “deleting from issuing judgments” will be 10 judges in the three criminal departments in Warsaw. “It’s about the Neo Set of the three criminal departments of VIII, XII, and XVIII. They are the first faculty that evaluates the lawsuit from the beginning and conducts a trial from the beginning. The category is important for politicians and crimes. We are considering examples. “-I read the article.
They are moved to a special section -as the Portal said -Judge Staniswaf Zun, the deputy mayor of the National Court Register, and the Beata Adamczyk -chabuda format, the head of this section also controls the law. He said he was a Judge Piottle Gusialek, which was suppressed by disciplinary officers for PIS power to defend. “In terms of creating a section, the court has already sent an appropriate letter to the Judicial Ministry and is just waiting for his consent.”
When asked about this lawsuit, Judge Anna Ptasek, a spokeswoman in the Warsaw district court, announced that it was planned to create such a section, and the decision was made, that is, the President of the Warsaw appeal court. We announced that it will be done. A court postponed in Warsaw. “The court is also waiting for the Ministry of Justice’s opinion. This is necessary to determine the possibility of establishing this section and the scope of the judge’s obligations determined in this section,” said Judge PTASZEK. Ta.
Current KRS and So -Caled status Neosdozo are subject to political and legal disputes.
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Bowzac in “Graffiti” faced Kachesuki’s words: it was another situation/Porsat News/Porsat News