The PiS lawmaker has been officially wanted by police for several days. The police officers we spoke to made no secret of the fact that a great deal of effort and resources had gone into finding the politician. They can easily be considered abnormal.
– He's in a headlock at the police station. It's all thanks to Mr. Romanovsky. The pressure to find and stop him as quickly as possible is high. This is completely different from similar situations dealing with “ordinary citizens”, one police official told Interria on condition of anonymity. – As far as I know, our management is constantly in touch with the Ministry. Feel the pressure. Madness – our interlocutor does not even try to hide it.
I wanted Marcin Romanowski. I have a hypothesis
Twelve days after Marcin Romanovsky's disappearance (he left the hospital and vanished without a trace), despite pressure from politicians, investigators believe PiS politicians It is not possible to determine whether they have left the country or perhaps are still here. Poland. This was confirmed at a press conference by State Prosecutor's Office Spokesperson Przemysław Nowak.
– The search in Poland is not yet complete. I don't know if he left Poland. We have suspicions, he said. “It has been determined that the suspect does not reside at any address in the country known to law enforcement authorities,” he added. At the same time, prosecutors announced at the same press conference that investigators had received information that Mr. Romanovsky had crossed the border.
– He is probably staying in one of the European Union countries, the prosecutor explains. – As the search operations have progressed well, we will not provide any further information regarding the suspected location of the suspect at this stage, – he added. As he admitted, “Romanovsky can be anywhere.”
One conclusion can be drawn from the words of a spokesperson for the State Prosecutor's Office: investigators do not know where Romanovsky is. – One of the hypotheses that came up was Northern Cyprus. But if you want to confirm all new hypotheses, you'll have to travel around the world – says the police officer at police headquarters we speak to.
Another interlocutor connected to the service credits the prosecutorial authorities with their work. – It is known that Martin Romanovsky follows the media 100 percent and checks what they say about him. Police don't want to publicly “let loose” and tell the wanted man that they know his whereabouts, the source explains. – Sometimes the so-called flare loses its way. To give the perpetrator more confidence, he thought.
In the case of Martin Romanovsky. This is how members of parliament are looking for
To shed some light on the work of police officers, we spoke to a man with many years of experience at the Central Police Investigation Bureau. In an interview with Intellia, Marcin Mikza “Boris” points out, among other things: Recruitment will be based on information obtained from the circle. In this way, police officers try to establish data regarding the stay and movements of persons wanted by the police.
– Techniques such as telephone monitoring are also used to some extent. Sources of information are verified to see where someone might be or who might be hiding a particular person. Land, property and friends are agreed upon. When it comes to searches, police also take into account mistakes made by the wanted person. Such a person would “lean somewhere else,” Mikuza explains to Intalia.
As a former Central Bureau of Investigation official said, while disclosing operational methods benefits suspects, it also creates headaches for police officers. This is a problem because investigators' methods have not changed over the years. – The effectiveness with which people hide depends on training. It is often the media that trains police officers to show them how to do their jobs. The same applies to cover and operational management, notes the interlocutor.
It's worth noting that professional criminals are still trying to get better at tailgating and hiding. – They seek perfection. This is included in their income. They are training, monitoring networks and checking innovative changes in the police force – a former CBŚP police officer told us. – I have always believed that the best way to detect crime is through personal sources – people who secretly provide information of interest to the police – he emphasizes.
“People like Romanovsky are no ordinary bandits.”
However, there is no denying that Marcin Romanowski is not your typical person wanted by the police. As my interlocutors have pointed out, the former deputy justice minister during the United Right-wing government may use his connections in the political world to more effectively evade justice. – A person like Martin Romanovsky is not your typical bandit or common criminal. We hear that there are many people who will help him and guide him into hiding.
– These are often ideas derived from military veterans who are familiar with operational work methods. People who have contact with politicians. They simply reveal the ways of the cops: they tell us how to lose their tails, check your car – “Borries” tell us.
The fact is that even when I called politicians from Sovereign Poland (now edited by PiS) who knew Marcin Romanowski, they could not tell much about what was happening to their party colleagues. That is what it means. “We have no idea what's going on with him,” they repeated like a mantra.
David Serafin, Jakub Szczepanski
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“graffiti”. President of the Constitutional Court talks about his friendship with Zbigniew Ziobro/Porsat News/Porsat News