Pis Mental Mental Mental Mental Boys remained from the prosecutor’s office in mid-Friday. He confirmed that he had heard in 2023, He claimed in 2023. The prosecutor’s office has not yet passed after hearing the former head of the Ministry of State Defense.
The former head of the National Defense Ministry of the Ministry of National Defense Ministry, Public Mp Marisishg Bondaszzaza appeared in the military department of the district prosecutor in Warsaw. Politicator discussed in relation to trust and disclosure in 2023 partition of the Polish Armed Forces was asked. After leaving the prosecutor’s office, after 14 blace, announced that he explained and confirmed that in this case, he heard accused.
– I explained explanations. I explained to the prosecutor that I announced the rights and responsibilities of these archives – said the authority to pay. He assessed that charges were unreasonable. ”
As long as the prosecutor’s office did not appear.
Earlier before the prosecutor’s office, in addition to the BOASZZOK, including President Joops of Kakakhski, Gender Coula and a large group of party members of the party. Protested under the “stop parking” mirror. The PIS PIS had white flags and banners with white shops and ATMs, such as the “Aprilology of profit, the invalidation of losses with a state program” or “Tears, an anti -ombic code”.
Blaszczak without immunity
On March 6, the field has abolished the immunity and agreed to be prosecuted. The prosecutor’s office is implemented for this.
The plan of use of the Polish Armed Forces is the documentary since 2011 to the defense of the defense of Russia. With reference to this document, Blaszzak Po accused “about your campaign, which in case of a default attack on the Vistula and” half of the country is accused.
Marsiologist B-Donzosakak and Pil-politicians before the prosecutor’s office / Pavs Supernak
Source of Key Photo: Pap / Paweł Supernak