The earthquake fatalities rose to 1002, with 30 people missing in 2376 – state media reported in Majampa. Nine people have been confirmed dead in Thailand.
On Friday, the 7.7-degree shock hit Mjanma on Friday, felt in nearby Thailand.
Mjanma earthquake. Huge destruction
“Infrastructure such as roads, bridges and buildings felt the impact of the earthquake that caused death and injuries among civilians. Rescue operations are underway in the haunted area.”
Mandalay city was the second largest Burmese city to be destroyed and the closest to the epicenter.
On Friday, Burmese authorities appealed to the international community for assistance in the form of medical medicines and equipment.
The American Geological Service (USGS) estimates that Burma’s death toll could exceed 10,000. And material losses can exceed the country’s gross domestic product.
Earthquakes in Asia. International Help
On Saturday, a team of 37 members of rescuers from China came to Burma and brought in medicine and equipment to search for people under the tile rub.
According to Reuter, citing the Tass agency, Russia sent 120 experienced rescuers to Burma and dogs trained to participate in rescue operations and doctors.
President Donald Trump announced that he had spoken with Burmese authorities and declared that his administration would provide some form of assistance.
The earthquake in Thailand. Damaged buildings, victims
Hundreds of buildings have been damaged in nearby Thailand, including the skyscrapers of Bangkok, the capital, 1,000 km from the epicenter.
Intensive rescue operations took place on Saturday. It aims to save workers who have been imprisoned under the tiled rub of a 33-storey skyscraper.
Nine victims have been confirmed so far.
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