Approximately 42,000 signatures had to be collected to consider applying for an announcement of the referendum at the NYSA commune. The director of the KBW delegation at Opole said RafałTkacz had brought letters on Monday with over 5.1,000 signatures.
NYSA referendum: 5,000 submitted Signature, it’s time to confirm
– According to the law, there is currently 30 days to confirm your signature. If no significant defects are found, the referendum date will be announced. It is not yet known whether the letter will be checked as it could be for a period of less than 30 days, but the referendum will likely take place within a similar date to the presidential election – Director TKACZ said.
According to the law, a referendum is valid if you participate in more than five-fifths of the number of people participating in the body selection that is the subject of the referendum. For the NYSA mayor, this means the need to join the city council with around 117,000 people – most of the important votes are required to deny the mayor and the council.
NYSA residents want new authorities
According to the current mayor of the Cordian Corbialz, city residents respect the outcome of previous elections and will not go to the referendum. Similarly, NYSA residents have shown great interest in participating in the referendum, according to lawyers for the Patrick Schich referendum committee.
– There are many reasons to reject the City Council and the NYSA mayor. This is not just the fatal management of cities and communes during floods. It is a decision that, among other things, is city debt, and is ignoring the NYSA’s garbage incineration plant and the voices of its residents. In a wave of criticism against the mayor, especially after the coalition with the mayor supported by the PIS by the PO councillors who joined the council, it is difficult to talk about the purity of Nisa’s politics at this time. The fact that we were able to collect the required number of votes in two weeks indicates that we may be fully dissatisfied with the current situation in the city and that we have a desire to implement a reset. It may be.
“Event” Guest: Most of the city is flooded. The situation is dramatic/Polsat News/Polsat News