According to experts, next year the price may exceed the “mental barrier” – PLN 10. Patrick Mikhalsky asked his guest about the price of oil on store shelves. Krzysztof Gawkowski admitted that he often shops for groceries, but does not remember the unit price of butter. – I buy different oils depending on what I need at home and depending on the instructions I receive, – explained the guest of the “Tlit” program of Virtual Polska. – This is the price that has caused great emotions in recent weeks, – said Michalsky, – I don't shoot more or less, because why should I shoot? Gavkovsky said. – The question is not only how much the oil itself costs, but whether we can make a reasonable purchase when we go to the store and whether we are not embarrassed to spend this money. During the period of our government, I am sure, especially if we use KPO money, the economy will accelerate and buyers will have the opportunity to buy more, he said.
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