In one of the famous homes of highlands that were eligible to open people who look forward to police on Saturday. The arrow was emptied during detention, but nothing happened to someone, said the Outsey Polit Press Press source of Milko Villozo.
JayyisTisTeski police press Jayki Dilkski declared that he was invited to be angry 49 intervention in relation to an aggressive 49 intervention. As it turned out, he was a resident of plural.
Police at this house recorded a similar situation at least once. Since the applicant reported a police position that an aggressive man can have weapons, it has called references to individual to the program.
– Distinguished to the hospital to carry out its exam, whether he is under the influence of temporaries and if it is the case, Willkshuski.
The area was confident that none of the two members of the two resistance brigade failed.
When the police said, took an aggressive man in one of the rooms of the Locative House room and could not communicate with him. When the police came into the room, the man reminded them to the recreation. – This is why there was a shot there. Nothing happened to anyone – Wedtskha.
Prosecutor and Police work on site. The subject that a man was provided in police officers. “It’s like gas weapons, but what is it really, the expert needs to be assessed,” he said.
Depending on the police operation, some streets were closed in the city of mountains. Wileszyt reported that Wilesz was talking about the legal qualifications of detainees.
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket