January this year will remember as very hot. According to the Institute of Meteorology and Water, the average temperature was higher than 3.4 degrees from the norm from 1991-2020.
This year, the January shows that January this year, the average was warmer than 1991-2020.
Very hot 2025. Where was the distinction of from the norm
As Darann Jinance TVNineto said the space difference in the east of the country (4 degrees 4 in the northeast of Poland) and the Western Western Poland Archal (4 degrees 4 in the Northeast of Poland) and Western Western Poland Arms) and Western Western Poland, approximately 1.6 degrees arrives C. in the West of Comeranian region.
– This is due to the last weekend we deal with a heat wave, which is related to Poland to Poland, which is associated with Poland to the Southeast. At the same time, the frontal area of the West Polisus and it was colder to the trynmeteo.pl.
The average daily temperature was 2 degrees above 2 degrees and a higher than 4 degrees.
Snowness in Poland
This result, it’s definitely the cost of sunny sunshine. In the south-eastern region, the sunlight immediately decreased directly to the land for 60-100 hours, which is 110-160 percent. in terms of the long-term norm. In the case of CZęSTOCHOWA, the Anomaly was up to 180 percent.
January 2025 was calculated at the Synegrous Synthics station in śWinoujścścście, the circulation of solar radiation and 48 minutes. However, the sccz was only 109 hours and 24 minutes.
The highest and lowest temperatures
The highest air temperature is recorded in January (16,1 degree C), while the lowest in Sącz (-13.6 degree c).
In January, in Legnica (9.5 liters per square meter (9.5 liters per square meter), and the highest in Ellbitg (87.9 pounds).
Stokrotki and the Dandelines Medicine
In the mid-minor, in some Poland regions was high than spring weather. You can observe a prosperous, dandelion, as well as the speed speed.
It was very hot at the end of this month, the values appeared from 10 degrees who appeared in the thermometer. On Tuesday 28.01 At the Poscettemic Station in Postremememia, at a maximum 16.1 degrees
Dandelion in PrziEmy in PrzemyśLuppap / Dark Belmanowicz
Stokrotki in Prziemn in Przememplap / Darkk Helmanowicz
Stress in Przemy in PrzemyśLuppap / Darkk Helmanowicz
Main photos: pap / darkk helmanogicz