The Donald’s shortage indicates the results of the Preview of the View of the Viewer Studio, which provides GDP growth in 2025. Poland first has gradually passed by 3.5 percent.
Turkish and Sweden, respectively rather hold out other places. The level is closed by Germany and Italy, according to the future, the GDP growth increased from 0.8%.
At the end of January, protested by his platform in its fourth quarter, which has increased in the fourth quarter of 20224 emergencies in more than 3 percent. He added that in his opinion, this is just the beginning and 2025 years. “Bald?” – He focused on opposition politicians.
The Prime Minister of Dalale have declared the Prime Minister of the Dalale Buyer during the Monday Assumer, and the Poland Investment will be available to 2032 $ 180 billion to 2032.
– In the Polish, investment will be more than 650 billion dollars, and we believe the government that this is a careful respect. Today, I could say (…) that it was $ 700 billion million. This is a record worth, which was not yet in the history of the Poland economy – said the government headman.
Source: X, NP Nex