Stratospicer’s stratospicer gaps observed from Poland – According to the education of the meteorology and water institution. Therefore, the most radical radiation of the UV-B will reach the ground.
According to the Medical Medium-Tashed Medium Center (ECMWF) will be on Wednesday and Thursday Pccons in the frame of a polar Guldor, which occurred in which a large wide floor. Predicts were approved by Polish Bitguileside to the Meteorology and Water, which declared a declaration that is already visible in the country.
“The verification of the jarry-free profile study is performed at the Aeronoe’s database in Leentors who can achieve the abandonment of the uV radios.”
Ultavuna is Ultraunae (including UV-B) a significant role in many biosphere processes and have a significant impact on human health. Too much can cause a risk for our health.
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The UV-B County is not logged in the skin, it works mainly at the Epidermass level, is responsible for burning skin and erythhata. Stries a single-year sunshine pardon in extreme thickness, in turn, which is the emergence of aggressive, innocent swelling.
“The current situation of free flaws in early spring, when the radiosity intensity of UV-B may be higher, but this can be higher than that this year, water methodology and water management.
The announcement indicates that the current situation on Poland can be for special sounders.
“In the mountains, UV-B is higher and there is also snow reflection. Therefore, the ultraviola radiation intensity can be rising even on this day and ferred on this year.”
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