Professor of Samageo Alfayi, the leader of a medical group, which is looking at the hospital in the hospital, Francisko journalists are looking at the police. “We all knew that he had a risk that he could not do,” admitted.
Pop Francis remained in the hospital for 37 days. She went there on February 14 because he struggled with the infection of breathing. A few days later, the state of the pap was bad, she was diagnosed with a double diagnosis. Doctors have received information about the further respiratory crisis and considered its situation important. However, March 10, the situation has improved and eventually left the Gemelli polyclinics and returned to Vatican. Now, it is not clear what degree is functioning.
In an interview with “Cella Della Sera”, told the head of the medical group, who looked at the hospital. She admitted that at a difficult time he was in the eyes of people who were in Papa. – We all knew that the situation could have been the threat to remember – she learned.
As he reported, doctors were encouraged to give up. – And we all thought that no one was reached – emphasized the doctor. She explained that Francis had expected all the time.
Read: PontinCate Pontrive Frantifick
Sergery Alfailre Himeppe Lamily / Pap / EPA
“A terrible evening”
Ба ёд оред, ки лаҳзаи бӯҳрони бузургтарини нафаскашӣ АЛфорерӣ иқрор шуд, ки “он шом даҳшатнок буд. Поп “медонистам, мисли мо, ки ӯ аз шаб наҷот намеёбад.” «Аз рӯзи аввал ӯ аз мо хоҳиш кард, ки ба ӯ ҳақиқатро бигӯем ва мехост, ки ҳақиқатро дар бораи ҳолати худ нақл кунем», – хабар медиҳад духтур. Ӯ итминон дод: – Ҳеҷ чиз набуд (дар ин робита) тағир ёфт ё партофта нашудааст.
He also delivered: – a lot of danger was the risk of the kidney and bone, but the flesh was made good to treat and the lung infection decreased. But as he remembered, he also was the second crisis of the second way. “It was horrible, we thought it was not alive to” he confessed. Francis “was aware of all the time.” “I think this is a sign to keep him in maintaining him” professor alfieri.
Gemelli clinics where Pope FranciszekPap / EPA / Massimo percos
Head of 50 years old and evening with pizza
In his opinion, papa has a body of a dawn, but “the head of the old child”.
– She also showed the last week of the hospital. As soon as he felt better, he asked him to go in the department. And the evening was also an evening too an evening. He gave money to one of his colleagues and told the people to look at him that day – he said. He assured that the health of PAPA would be better and finally heard from him, “I live. When are we going home ?.
Source of Key Photo: Guephpe LAMI / PAP / EPA