According to the UNITED SURVEYS SURVEY created at the request of Wirtualna Polska, the Citizen Union enjoys the greatest support of the Polish. Donald Task Group may be 32 %. vote. This is an increase of 2.8 points. Compared to previous research from January 10 to 12.
The law and justice have gained the second position as a result of 30.3 %. (2.1 % points decrease). Such a result means a change in the position of the leader.
United survey. The coalition closes the podium
The last position of the podium was the coalition. The formation of Swamil Menzen and Kurutsushitov has gained 12.8 %. However, the support is 0.7 percent points.
The left also reached SEJM, and its support was 8.2 %. -This group is the only group that exceeds KO, and focused on the increase (0.8 percent points). The party has obtained 0.5 % separately. -1.6 less than previous research.
7.8 % of respondents could not show their favorites (increased by 2.4 percent points). The potential electoral turnout was not included in the research.
Party survey. Union of power, 3rd road with yellow card
Professor JAROSłAWFLIS -Sociologist and politician at Jagi Eronia University -The D’Hondt method, which is valid in the Polish Ordinance calculated based on his calculator, will maintain the power of the dominant camp. is.
The Citizen Union has 175 seats in such an account. The law and justice will have 165 places in SEJM. The Union can increase ownership and rely on 58 agents. The third road is 31 seats or more than half less than now. On the left is 30 locations at the bottom of the parliament.
The survey uses 1000 people using the CATI method (computer support phone interview -ed.) And CAWI (computer support Internet interview -ed.) From January 24 to 26. It was implemented using the sample.
“Most went to the Pis’s position.” The controversy between Miller and Komorowski to bring ZIOOBRA/Polsat News/Polsat News