Four new mammal species, eight fish species, three amphibian species and 10 butterfly species were discovered during an expedition to Alto Mayo, a protected area in the Amazon rainforest.
During the expedition, scientists from the nonprofit organization Conservation International and local residents also discovered 48 other animal species, but more research is needed to determine whether they are new species.
Peru: New species of pygmy squirrel and rare 'obese' fish discovered
Of particular interest are: A new species of dwarf squirrel. This squirrel is only 14 cm long, just over half the 20-24 cm length of the common squirrel found in Poland.
・Easy to fit in your hand. It has an attractive maroon color and is very fast, said Trond Larsen of Conservation International. “It quickly jumps and hides in the trees,” he emphasized.
What's completely new is the discovery of an “obese” fish with a shape never seen before. The natives who helped the expedition already knew of its existence, but scientists were struck by the animal's spherical, expanding head. They had never seen anything like it before.
Peru. They discovered a new type of rat. one of the rarest rodents in the world
Another surprise is a new species of spiny rat, whose name best reflects the rodent's fur. The very stiff hairs that cover their bodies act similar to the hedgehog's spine.
Another entirely new type of mouse was also discovered. This is an aquatic terrestrial mouse that has parts of its legs connected by a membrane and feeds on aquatic insects.
This animal belongs to a group of semi-aquatic rodents, which is considered one of the rarest animals in the world. So far, some known species have been discovered by scientists only a few times.
A fulfilling expedition in Peru. “It's really amazing.”
“Discovering so many new species is really surprising, especially in an artificial environment like this,” Trond-Larsen said.
Yulisa Twi, a member of the Awajun tribe who collaborated on the study, said the expedition provided a deeper understanding of the local ecosystem and allowed the community to “protect their culture, natural resources and territory.” – The Awajung people have a wealth of traditional knowledge about the forests, animals and plants they live with, the woman said.
Alto Mayo is a protected area in northern Peru that includes diverse ecosystems and indigenous territories.
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