Дар давоми рӯзи душанбе сиёсатмадорон дар назди прокуратураи ПФС дар Варшава дар назди прокуратура дар Варшава ташкил карда шуд, ба монанди “Ҷойхмот” ё “Ҷамъовар” ё “Ҷамъовар” метавонад аз даҳони онҳо шунида шавад. Contacts shows that these terms were found in the prosecutor of the prosecutor Convesskor Even Concesskee who asked the scrippeshk again for a few days ago. In one of the records, you can hear that bees from the Perfober says: “I will force him,” though he does not mean directly. “Our decorations, you would like to make me?” – Prosecutor of Grezke wrote in Proment X
Barbara Sftripk Free Fruit Promotion of the Russian presius of the Mid Fully Modos Modos Main Kaczhyski, died on Saturday, March 15. A few days ago, on Wednesday, March 12, he was responsible to an investigate SREbrosh. The prosecutor’s office of the district’s district prosecutor’s office prosecutor politicians politicians, including the relationship between Barbara and his death.
What PIS politicians told the prosecutor’s office
On Monday the show was held at the head of the district Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw, in which politicians, which directed by Jarosław Kaczyński. The president spoke there. He said, “We struggle in Poland in Poland and the first fatal sacrifice of the warrior.” Corruption words by Concession Proscaly, who came to the congregation and journalists from the prosecutor’s building.
Our camera was also available. The record is given below, in other drain, flax Cololdyan, Anton Macic and Make Susky. They talk about the status of the survey and Barbara mortality.
In the conversation, the other words such as “not in your head,” or “women”. The sound of Mep sounds in some points of mep: – but she is spiritually.
Politicians politics of politics of the district prosecutor in Warsaw on Warsaw (March 17th) TV24
“But this is a divorced woman”
Another part of these conversations, in the rows of some talks with Jacek decorations, was recorded with a television data camera. It shows in youyna Dobrosz-orz “without schaa.”
In some point, the parable says: – I don’t feel him, how are you, fucking … (shocks),
– You don’t know but gentle – says Make Susky to him.
– I know it didn’t want to come out to everyone out – makeup.
“It know he has not been down,” SUSA continues.
– Because she can (she fell (ed.) – says the decoration.
The rest of the record you can hear Kanthak. “Air” says he.
– But this is a unemployed woman – decoration.
– But it shows that this society is. Because if we do not dare to show such feelings – Khanhak.
“But a spiritual” he said.
The context of this evidence shows that politicians “Wrzosek spoke about the prosecutor.
The Wrzose’s Proser is said
On Wednesday, Prosecutor added a short entry on the platform.
“Our decorations, you would like to make me?” – she wrote. Remember that the thousand recorded in the recording, “I will make him”.
There was no comment on the survey
Barbara ScroPape was a member of the Board of Institute Lech Kaczyński, which is key shares of the SREbra company. In September 1980, IE was working immediately after August Agricultural agreements, Barbikcpecec at the Council of People’s Ministers. For the next nine years, he has been there with four new years of People’s Republic, in turn, in turn: józf jarukowski, zózf jarukowski, zówawawawa and messysławsławzawawi and messysławawawaw.
March 12, a few days before his death, he asked the prosecutor’s office as witnessing “two parts”. It’s about the plan to build two skoters by a silver company.
On Tuesday, the district prosecutor in Warsaw reported the violent survey. Later, the day, the “newspa” the election that mentioned “Barbara Screizers is given to him as a silver foundation to represent their shares in the company.” This is important to the Psci-Barbara Barbara Barbara Skrirec for the president of the psis.
On Monday Prosecutor’s Office assured that his Witness and his representative did not provide the survey comments and took place in a friendly atmosphere. The district prosecutor’s office announced in Warsaw, as well as concepting, legal steps, which was about the survey and mortality of Barbara.
On Wednesday, the prosecutor reported that he was protected and contacted the police.
Main Source Source: Topn24