Law and Justice MP Krzysztof Szczucki announced on Wednesday that he had waived his immunity. Attorney General Adam Bodnar filed a motion to waive Shchuki’s immunity last December. The collected evidence shows that Shchuki, the former president of the Government Legislative Center, made changes to the organizational structure of this body and created a department where he was supposed to recruit people outside the competition.
“According to my previous declaration, yesterday (Tuesday – editor) I submitted to the Secretariat of the Speaker of the Sejm a declaration about waiving my immunity in connection with the request of the Warsaw District Prosecutor’s Office,” said Krzysztof Szczukki on Wednesday morning.
“The case is purely political. No crime has occurred in my career. If the behavior of the state authorities is fair, it shows that the Legislative Center of the government was managed by me according to high standards,” he added.
Three conclusions
Last December, Attorney General Adam Bodnar submitted a request to the Sejm to waive the immunity of the MEPs Krzysztof Šukki and Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, as well as to the European Parliament to waive the immunity of Daniel Obaitek.
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The spokeswoman of the General Prosecutor’s Office, Anna Adamyak, explained at the time that the collected evidence shows that Shchuki, when he was the head of the Government Legislative Center, made changes to the organizational structure of this institution by order and created a department where people were hired outside the competition. did
Main photo source: Radek Pietruszka / PAP