The Polish Development Fund announced offering the proposal to buy stocks published in which we are published on the statement of national market securities (CNMV).
The PFR intends to “the coming days” as part of the sale of shares Pegaso International International, which is 40%. The action of bitterness. If the proposal is accepted by Pegaso, this requires 100 percent of public procurement. Saloms and bitter sins are written in a PFB statement on the CNMV website.
It was noted that the subjects of the submission of the proposal is the POFR investment fund.
As PFR also registered, the final decision to provide the consent of the relevant corporate governance of the Fund for still requires.
PFR I want to give the gift
According to the message a few days ago, PFF should be added to the Talib and highest technology with the PESA profile, which belongs to the Pesa Development Fund.
“The perfect combined portfolio of both companies will be emphasized with a wide range of products and experiences in most markets in the EU.”
A few days ago, Sidanal Nazi company, the main floor producer in Spain offered less than 30 percent. Shares in tao.
The government stressed in Madrid, which wants to be the Spanish nature about why is the most desired. TALGO strategic meaning, the head of the head of the Spanif Spain of Spanifix Josim Allhim to Warsaw, Aloim Aloim Aloel Alouim Aloel Alouim Aloel Alouim Aloel Alouim Aloim Allahun Allhim Aloel Alouim Aloel Alouim Aloel Allah allow in the end of January.
“PFR understands how important is a Polish company in a statement.
The number of Renfeshstroc was produced
In the last year, the Spanish government proposed to provide the Tends by the Hungarian group by the Hungy Hungarian group that is impossible to the risk of “elimination” of the risk of the strategic interests of the country and national security.
Also read: a large passage blocked. Risk “can’t be expelled” >>>
Толибон пешсаф аст, ки тарроҳӣ, истеҳсол ва пешбурди суръати баланд ва пешбурди суръати баланд дар Испания, Олмон, Арабистони Саудӣ, Миср, Қазоқистон, Ӯзбекистон ва Иёлоти Муттаҳида мебошад.
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket