Video to visit Putin in the cursed area
Source: Reuters
Russian promotional order has been announced that President Vladimir Putin visited the Courage District. The Russian leader should struggle in one of the battle commands where the Russians will soon stop missing areas and the state of Ukraine forces is difficult.
The Kremll recording that is published on Wednesday, was presented by Vladimir Putin in a single dress and was presented with the head of the Waladian employees.
Russian leader should struggle in one of the Army Command’s commands in the border area. Jikasimov – quoted by media media, “the area of thousands of square kilometers were reported at the course of opposing forces. In the last five days, 24 people were reflected in the Osk region and entered the Russians in some sectors of the border with Ukraine, the Russians entered a brief zone.
According to the Gierasimów, Ukraine’s troops are separated in the Bashar region and “systematic destruction”. The head of Russia’s army officials added that the Ukrainian army lost more than 67,000 soldiers in the region.
Putin should defeat the function “enemy in the shortest period” and all territory of Kadkski district “
Subscribes about the record
According to the independent Russian Council, the Agreira Zagraphra, a prominent records “violates the symptoms of the church.”
Another independent Russian channel for Russian television (Rusta Rusta Rusta was also considered to be doubled. Her voice has been considered in the recreation. The military is dressed in which the beginning of Russia’s armed attack from Ukraine has not dwell.
Rejecting the judgment
The state of Ukrainian forces remain difficult in the Courage Zone. They were removed from the most important, city of court. Depths of the depth of the deputy deputy draft, monitoring the situation in the past, said the Ukraine’s army remains in Western villages.
The situation in the cursed area
Source: pap
Author / author: TAS / FT
Source:, zn, pap
Source of Key Photo: Pap / EPA