From the point of use of AI by enterprises, Poland include the background of the European Union and the Euro region to an unfavorable place. We have added that our position is getting more than 250 employees.
Report shows that the percentage of enterprises shown by the Easter, in the Northern countries (Benelux, Scandinavia and Germany, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Romania, Bulgaria) .
On the basis of the European Union (13.5%) and the Euros area (15.4%) are dominated (5.1%) in the field of literate (5.1%).
“Polish position is very improved if the analysis is narrowed to large enterprises (employs 90) small and large enterprises, which is highest and large enterprises in Poland in Poland.”
Large ai companies choose more
The report shows that of Polish companies large enterprises are dominated by small enterprises than small enterprises than small enterprises. You can point to three reasons for this.
“Big companies use other technologies – they use automation, machinery and automation of vehicles together with the powerful influence of these applications.
In small-in-school companies, happens marketing and is used in production, logistics, administration, cyber security, cyber security.
“Big Companies are also made to higher investments in order to achieve decisions in order to achieve decisions, which are decided or set to solve the decisions.”
“There is costs between the countries of EU and GDP among the AI countries and the European Union.
It may result in the availability of financial and human capital, large-scale technological structures, as well as a relatively highest demand for employment.
Why businessers do not want to
It was stressed that a large majority of polls of 10+ questionnaires do not use ai, and do not take into account its introduction. In Poland, this contribution was 90 percent in 2024. From 93% in 2023, among other EU countries a clear difference between a prevalence of low and high and high technologies AI technology. In the case of Germany, Austria, Austria and Benelux, the exchange is prefers at the level of about 65 percent.
Also, a group of enterprises in Poland there is a group of the enterprises that have been discussed, but eventually failed to implement 3-9 percent depending on the size of the company.
There are the most important reason by the enterprises of each category of the number of employees, in foreign capital, there is a lack of staff and knowledge for the proper implementation of the technology of the technology.
Other factors listed are expensive, as well as the lack of clarity in the issues of legitimacy, such as errors that are errors of a
“Both on the international and the size of enterprises, capital access, capital access, domestic technology” – it is written.
“In these cases, the possible interests of the implementation of these technologies at expensive costs of the highest cost of enterprises and the impact of large-scale of plants” – have been added.
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket