“Newsweek” also recently wrote about certain financial problems in the leadership of the Poland 2050 party, in this context the name of deputy Izzabela Bodnar, the former candidate of Poland 2050 for the position of president of Wroclaw, appeared. It contains reports from former Poland 2050 activists who pointed out certain shortcomings and mistakes that may have been intentional in the financing of various Poland 2050 formation activities. – Michal Wroblewski asked this question to the guest of the “Tlit” program, MP Michal Kobosko from Poland 2050. – This text raises many questions, raises many doubts, but does not provide any evidence or data to support various types of claims. – answered the deputy. – I know that there are activists or former activists of Poland 2050, for example in Lower Silesia and Wroclaw, who are angry about this or resentful that they are no longer our activists, they thanked us for their cooperation with our organization. movement, with our party. And part of the reaction is that they try to channel their frustration in favor of the media, in favor of journalists, he added. The head of the program noted that the text contains some figures and facts, as well as specific claims that, for example, the association did not submit financial reports. The fact that Ms. Isabela Bodnar financed the billboards for a large amount of money, which were also not included in the financial report. She, her family, and her husband’s associates contributed huge sums of money to the campaign of Szymon Holounia and Michal Kobosko, so they could expect more attention in the Poland 2050 party than other activists. It’s not just about the disappointment of former activists, is it? – asked the host of the program. There was no special treatment to Mrs. Bodnar or other selected and specific persons, – assured the politician of Poland 2050. – There is a half truth and a quarter truth in this text, – stated Kobosko, and assured that the finances of both associations Polska 2050. and the Polska Od Foundation Nowa, as well as the Poland 2050 party, are “transparent and compliant”. – I see this article as an attempt to attack us. “Unfortunately, I’m already used to, especially from this editorial, further attacks on both the marshal and our organization,” added Michal Kobosko.
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