Employees of the Zeri, which had a 44-year-old wheel, was never a license from a driving, but also contains two countries in active management. The man was sentenced to five months to five months and in the spatermination mode.
The copies from the Dersko Pomorski Pomorski Pomorski arrested a base driver for control. After checking the male data in police systems, it turned to the light that he has two active conflicts in car cars and has no driving license.
Aspirant Carolina Undelells Office of Pomski official Pomhko Pomorskie, said 44, 44-year-old visit to the courtroom. – District courts in CERCSKO Pomorskie driver added to five months and five thousand zlotys – added.
Besides, 44-year-old for the next two years was banned.
See: Fold from the police, she was entered on the building
44-year-old has two of the parties active
TVN24.PL, KPP Pomorsko Pomorskie
Source of Key Photo: KPP Direcsko Pomorskie