Heavy snowfall burning on Qönigsberg. For this reason, A321 flight from shame Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Eld E Es Egypt Elder Elder Elli-avic landing. There were 216 passengers on board. Before 10 o’clock they turns another trip.
Sunday Sunday, Poznań-ławica airport is called A321 airport airport at Poznań-ławica airport. Genryi Vichinssss.
He stressed the Saturday night about 23.30, airport service in Poznań Administration, which accept Airbus Airburses with 216 passengers in the delegation.
Focused on a stop position
“Саволе, ки аз ҷониби нозири Агентии роҳнамо оид ба авлавигардонии Лаҳистон (PANSSE) бо дархости Машварат ба Гвардияи сарҳадӣ ва ширкати тиҷоратии хидматрасонии хидматрасонии фурудгоҳ оварда шудааст, маълумот гирифтааст, ки ҳавопаймо метавонад заминро гирад . Баъд аз ин чорабиниҳои зарурӣ, 16 феврал
Announcements explained that “an undesirable reason to offer unfavorable irritation in the command of the appointment in Kaliningrad was hampered by the land.”
Order became easier
Poznańń-łwica’s Henryk Airport identified, “All operating procedures have been easy to make the carrier and passengers.”
See also: “Feeling connection in Aviation is a man. It is difficult to say that this person failed”
“Land Manufacturer of Shopping Company has completed as in a schenienaged area – says the message.
Stops exceeding the standard
As it was mentioned, “Due to the purchase of fuel from the Orlen Arten, the aircraft was standing from it.”
“The details of this process is unknown to us. After burning the plane started in 9.55, we read in the aircraft” – we read in the aircraft “- we read in the airplane” – we read on Immiquemée.
Main photos: Adobestock