“In light of new reports on Karol Nawrocki (SO -Caled Tadeusz Batyr incident), should PIS change presidential candidates?” – such a question was asked by respondents to the UCE Research Survey of ONET.
The positive answers were selected by 45.8%. The respondents, 21.6%, have dissent. People – Respondent results. 32.5% answered “I don’t know.” Respondent.
Under the pseudonym Tadeusz Batyr, the president of the National Memory Association has published a biography of Tri -City Mafia Nikodem Skotarczak, entitled “Confessions of Nikos from Behind the Tomb.” As “Tadeusz Batyr,” he also appeared in the media, praised Karol Nowrocky in his statement.
Presidential election in 2025. Surprising research results
The study tested voters on the third road shows that 70.8% are the most powerful in exchange for Karol Nowrocky as presidential candidate. People are referring to this option.
64.4% also supports the exchange of Karol Nowrocky. The left voters investigated.
For Civic Union voters, 59.6% support candidate replacement. Respondents, and 46.1%, have been sentenced to such a sentence among coalition voters. When asked.
30.6% of surveyed law and justice voters are in favor of replacing this candidate, and 49.1% he is against it.
This study was conducted on March 22-24, 2025 by the Cawi (Computer Aided Web Interview) method by UCE Research on the ONET Portal with a sample of 1008 poles between 18 and 80 years old.
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