Saturday’s hot campaign for two most important candidates in this year’s presidential election. Karol Nawrocki visited Suwałki, Gołdap and Augustów. In the first cities of these cities, there was a small incident when meetings with voters were interrupted by the cry of one of them. Members of the candidate’s staff appealed for peace and patience and announced that the National Institute of Memory President would answer questions asked by participants.
Soon the man was allowed to speak. He asked Nowrocky about “security,” referring to the issue of Poland-Belarus’ borders, saying that pressure is always there. – At the time, I was the chairman of the National Institute of Memory, so I only looked after Polish memories – the candidate explained.
Presidential election 2025. Karol Nowrocky’s new promise
Karol Nawrocki pointed out that some politicians could take “valueless” actions and affect the state of the border situation. When asked why Polish military equipment was sent to Ukraine, he replied that Kiev’s victory over Moscow was Poland’s geopolitical interest. The PIS-supported candidate also mentioned excavation of Volyn Slaughter victims. -We will support, we will support, but what the Ukrainian president does to Poland is indecent – he said.
Next, during a visit to Gowdap, the president of the National Memorial Institute explained to Arrival that there was confusion in Poland’s aspect of justice. He announced that he would begin the process of “ordering him” as soon as he became president. He said he did not rule out that referendums should be organized so that each citizen can speak on the subject.
However, the most interesting course was meeting with voters in Augusto. So the candidate declared that within 100 days of obtaining the office, the electricity price would be reduced by 33%. The trial will be made as part of a plan that he announced “current 33%,” according to Nawrocki, the effectiveness of the idea will depend on the rejection of the green order.
– Green Orders thus affect the price of electricity, which entrepreneurs and energy suppliers know what the green order will bring, and form a financial pillow. They ask for more electricity, as they know they are waiting for disasters – he says, during his presidency, she convenes “a special peak of the green order.” He added that he would do so. The first is based on Tri-Morza, but over time, Nawrocki intends to persuade leaders of other countries to join in it.
Kacheski, Budoka and Truzaskovsky on Nau Rocky’s proposal
Karol Nowrocky’s announcement on reducing currents was widely heard. The idea was supported by Jarosław Kaczyński, who wrote on his social media that “civic candidates, unlike rulers, understand everyday illnesses.” Boris Badoka showed that he was a bit less optimistic, saying that Nowrocky’s idea would be Andruze Duda.
-If electricity prices could drop overnight thanks to the president’s decision, why President Duda doesn’t do it, because you need to wait for Now Rocky? – MEP asked in an interview with PAP, and showed that high energy prices especially arise from negligence made during the United right government.
Karol Nawrocki’s proposal was recorded by his main enemy, Rafał Trzaskowski, hosted at Inourokūwski on Saturday. “It sounds like a harsh joke in connection with what’s been happening in recent years within the rules of PIS,” Warsaw President said. He claimed that energy prices have fallen “nearly 30%” since the previous ruling camps were given electricity.
-But it’s incredible that all these PIS politicians don’t remember what they were doing, so it’s hard to believe they suffer from a very strange case of amnesia – Trzaskowski said In Griwys’ speech, he pointed out that he himself spoke about energy prices.
RafałTrzaskowski in the second round with Hołownia’s participation
In his speech at Inourokūvsky also spoke about another of his enemies. – Today, the journalist asked if Szymon Hołownia was in the second round with the PIS candidate and if I would support him. yes. dot. Without maliciousness, he said, adding that it would be a choice between “a man who thinks nothing” and “the ex-s of Same ready to carry out the most important function in the state.”
The head of Warsaw also mentioned the application to abolish the Marius Bwashzak exemption. Polish military plan warta-00101. Trzaskowski said the actions of the then-Defense Minister were “playing with our security.”
RafałTrzaskowski on Saturday emphasized that Poland “doesn’t need a president who seeks direction from Nowogrodzka Street (eds. PIS headquarters), and then he cannot even admit it.” -We don’t need anyone 100% dependent and become another “pen” – said the head of Warsaw in Inourokuwa.
Trzaskowski stresses that today we need a president who is ready to support the government and resolve the issue, and that if the government is doing something too late, we should “spur the government and encourage them to take action.” I did.
Presidential election 2025. List of candidates
“Graffiti” Wipler about the election campaign: Both sides will be filmed on each other /polsat News /polsat News