In Prececigiszów in Presecigiszów in Poland. Residents were moved from nearby homes. Traffic traffic in the direction of the railway between OśWięcim and Zato were suspended and free of free member free of freezing free of charge.
Services received on Friday after 17 of gas gas on przeciszów on Owiycimeska street.
– High gas fat oils of DN 500.
Failure of gas pipe in przeciszowomszasz
– gets in a high pressure pipeline. Gas gets from pressure under intense pressure in the fields associated with residential buildings. Residents were evacuated from about ten buildings. The gas did not come. Communication in the country’s road is 44 and transport traffic among OśWięcim and Zatori – confirmed Brigade Jachie Jachie Walking.
Failure of gas pipe in przeciszowomszasz
Services provide a place of exposure. Then the firearms are involved in action.
Main photos: Kontakt24 / Tomasz