RAFAł LRZISKSKI, the president’s candidate, the “local government campaign in the meeting began in the Ramoat. He spoke, he pointed out to the saying of the president Andrne the words of the president who said, “He has ever learned something.” Trzascski admitted that he had also “always understood”, but he pointed to difference.
Warsaw and Coute, the name of the name of the community in the congregation in the congregation in the congregation in the congregation “Local authorities” refers to the support of local authorities.
As it was mentioned, “this self-governing that she is close to people and protects their rights.” – When I grab all Polandia, I have gained this incredible success. This is thankful to polish and columns, but also supported her by local official officials, which has achieved us.
Rafał trzaskswki when starting “local governments” pads / man Subununa
Trviscentski: I will repeat to the Andrey Here’s, I will always study
The speech came to the words of the President of Andrew Andree and Andrna Ashev, when he said, “he said something all the time.”
– President Andrei Azda Lard has its own statements that you know that this man learns. It is entitled but you need to honor from the wise, respectful Lord. And I will repeat for the president who always study. I will always learn from you and support all women and columns of Polish Poland and goes to the congregation. – This is a difference that does not just know the president, but the people who have dealt with hundreds of problems every day. It is very important because this science allows us to add the problems we still go before us before we still go before us.
Main photos: Pap / Man Vunaa