– PIS politicians think that the ringtow is strongly necklic święczkowski, “he started the study of” Sainta “.
The President of Bogson’s Constitutional Center forces, who was announced from his notification, the Deposecutor General “Covenant” that the rulers be responsible for the authorities. Jarosła kaczyński said he said, “He received this initiative with satisfaction.” The Prime Minister of Donald Typl has expressed the response.
Leo: They think the ring is firm in their neck
This issue in “Cropka Nad I” Allksandra Leese from Poland 2050s of Tyakia and Triari remains left.
“I quote the classical of the Chinese Senarksk is here, here, who said,” Shardhess. ” She scattered out of the usual ethnic of the usual abaliation – said Alecdra leo.
– Law and Justice Politians, people who are associated with the party feel that the ring has harassed the neck. Eight years violated the law, they were destroyed the constitution, now they cried out that the same was made. They bought the rule of law in Poland, they say that it is that that happens. They try to grow the whole situation and want people to be lost in all these legal tricks – he continued.
– Truth is the truth that each service is the work of contemporary. Or worse – added an organized group – added.
Tra: This is a political act
Томасж Трела гуфт, ки амалҳои аз ҷониби święczkkowskis “як амали муташаккилонаи гурӯҳи муташаккилонаи гурӯҳи муташаккилона ва умумӣ таҳти роҳбарии аҳолии jarosła kaczyński” буд.
– Corries and Cupies of Three other countries has three other issues that affects him. This is the constitutional lighting, the National Bank of Polish bank and the National Policy Bank and Council of National broadcasting. And now he is a wide sir of sir of sir of sir. Used to declare his party TV to declare that there was a conflict – he said.
– If the pots call Kaczyński calls his democratic rule, calls very encouraged eight years – what happens – saying each day – said the new left – said the new left.
According to MP, this is “political laws” because he said – “święckkowkski – from Kaczyński to commit a crime, and possibly the report.”
Anyoisky is one of the prosecutors, along with other deputies of the Prosecutor General, has been signed in Ziobighiane. Together, they suggested notice that for the initiative initiative of the regional prosecutor’s office, including illegal lawsuits, including illegal lawsuits. At the end of December, the Prosecutor General, Khodhi, the water supply, but Roberts surprised – employment in the branches of the National Prosecutor’s Office.
Traa on the święczkkkowskowskowsk governing: this is a political action
Leo: Commission had a full right
The guests of the program also discussed the Friday’s situation and the attitude of Zobnie, as well as members of Pegasus in the Pegasus. Warning was for the lives of living, but that didn’t. According to the court decision, the police have arrested after 10.30 MP to reach the commission before the commission. Аммо, азбаски Зиобро дар маҷлиси вақт пайдо нашуд – оғози оғози ҷаласа дар соли 10.30 таъин карда шуд – Комиссия барномаро барои оғози тартиби татбиқи боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти боздошти The suspension of suspension of suspension of suspension of the suspension of 30-day-day brushing.
Alexandra Leo decided that the commission had “full right, as he has”. – Mr. Zobs did not appear during the survey. On that day he knew what the survey asked. However, he appeared on the TV and interviewed there, a time of a circus, cheucpa. If I was a member of this committee I will probably wait. Because it was an altar for the MP survey. She probably does not have promise not to say anything. However, I believe that the commission has been prepared very well, he could have been prepared – said MP.
Tra: All for Ziobra had been waiting for eight years
Transparents that the Pervino Committee said, said he had to tell him the building on Friday, someone told her the zioobro. – at 10.30, this was the task of Mr. Zarba’s mission and testifies. The fact that Mr. Zhob is his work television. This should never be in democratic democratic position of the law, the Jashana Mr. Zashan, Kaczyński, Morawiecki and Macierwic – added.
According to the new-linited information. “Poland saw that no one was far from law.” – eight years heard that he had waiting for him. He prepared Zari to a circus, and we did not attend this circus – he added.
Main Source Source: Topn24