In Ukraine, amazedness and frustration. This is not the conversation between the Simsky and Donald Trump. “Even if something becomes better, Zelanki we” – these sounds from the Ukrainian Parliament. Hence, then, after the line, there is a disturbance in the Ukrainian House.
Instead of a monthly talk, at the oval of the oval of Kraszi, połaakanki and accusation was the same. It was that the Wołododyyyryyryyyyryyyryyyr Zelanki, JD and Donald Trump looked at the White House.
– Trump wanted to move it, he wanted to show us the Americans that he was guy. Along with the Vice President of the Credit Vice President, he threw himself in Zełenski. It was similar to a quarter in the line or Mafia: Sign it, sign it, … Simple, won. We need to reflect our Americans that are the leaders in a similar face – the former director of Jamesman’s adaptation in the United States Defense Department.
Therefore, both leaders have not received the contract on unique rare metals of rare metals.
A quarter in an oval office when a trump meeting with Joski. Scripture recording
Feeling after meeting
It is believed for the negotiations between Moscow and Kievs for reputation of peace and reproach, although a detailed registration of security was not yet.
– Ҳама чиз қайд кард, ки ин кори ҷиддӣ буд, ки ин ду дастаи ҷиддие, ки кор мекунанд ва аммо онҳо аллакай дар паси онҳо кор мекунанд, аммо баъд чизе хато кард. Feelings and what we have seen. What we have not seen in their oval office has been said – Oleh Biłkecki, a journalist Ukraine.
After the Ukrainian Ambassador’s reaction in the United States, Ovozana Markara became visible in the oval office and faced her hands.
See also: zełenski on relationships with trump. “You can save them”
In the suspect that no other feelings are not. – I doubt that we can do this without American help. They helped us and folished. Maybe Europe can help us. I look at it and see how to separate the services and Putin. I don’t know what it will be. Unfortunately, the agreement signed – the comments of the Ludui Steukyevik, a resident of Kyiv.
Professor Urbańsa: Trump can be wrong in the assessment of Ukrainian forces
Experts refer to the errors of the Ukrainian delegation
Wołudodymyri boldly had to be courageously for the right protection – says the head of Ukrainian Distributary Andrey Gretha. Support the President also passes by the Supreme Army of Ukraine.
“The armed forces with Ukraine are with a mortal commander, with Ukrainian commanders. We will always remove hunger and close to the victory. Purely glorious to Ukraine!” – We in an intravigation of Olexander Solski, Commander of Ukrainian armed forces, on the X.
– The president lives in imagination that Putin wants peace. We’ll see that is another. Perhaps the President Ze7nski can tell differently, make good job. We say to him at a personal conversation time. But I hope it was in the trump office, she felt, felt support for the Ukrainian nationality – Kira Rudib, a deputy to the highest board of Ukraine.
Experts emphasize that the draft of the Ukraine to negotiate at the White House, and WoODodymyr zielnski in experienced diplomats.
– Zoselsk hopes that this is his personal, eradication and rhatorical stage that trusts the benefits of their interests. Without such a diplomatic environment, professional diplomats. Zelanski believes that the interests of Ukrainian state has just trust and understand. It turns out that not – says that Krzyztof niczypor, a political scientist from the eastern research center.
Eerbhardt with the “quiet day” in the United States of Ukraine Penjue
“We are grateful to the United States, but we have our dignity
During the meeting Ze7nski did not change the legend on the basis of the truth. He was repeated that the cropping is the murder every day murder. He emphasized how hirty Diaton Putin has already been destroyed the agreement. – Trump learned that Zelanski was not the president. She didn’t go to concessions, says Mila, a resident of Kyiv.
When the President of Ukraine tried to emphasize the magic of war and note the need to obtain a security guarantee that he was referring to the United States to show the United States for the previous support.
– Ukraine, and especially those who fight in front line are worthy of their president, indicates that the cira indicates Ciria Rudio.
– We are grateful to the United States, but we have our dignity. We have come too long, so that this is very fast – to be removed – the legs Alina Sziev, a resident of Kiev.
Award text: first? “I just see bad negotiations”
For Ukraine, “World War III” is already going on
Ukraine President has heard the Donald Trump to establish the conditions and may soon lead the World War I-World War.
– From 2014 – we live in World War and from 2022 we live in constant. We’re killed here. We know that the immoreralist trends should be terminated – emphasizes Victor, a resident of Kiev.
– Ukraine is not playing in World War II. We are likely to use as a tender card in this game. But we are victorious, are not skeptical. With or without help, because we are a strong people – a resident of Oksana, Kiev resident of Kiev.
Also read: “Trump can be wrong and say that Zelanski does not have a preference in his hand”
The Russians tried to break the spirit of this nation night. They fled the fight against Ukraine for hundreds of drones. Some read some
– It was a hard night. The hospital was attacked. We have evaluated all the patients. Only 56 people. Resident and Office facilities are also damaged and also warehouses – Mernov Varkov rubs Teroshov.
In the fire of Kharkov, including two children. One person was killed in an attack on Odessa.
Main Source Source: EPA / Shawn Showw