Nikolai Patrushev, an adviser to President Vladimir Putin, said negotiations on Ukraine should take place between Russia and the United States. He added that the Russian government “respects Donald Trump’s opinion” and has no intention of negotiating with other Western countries. The politician also spared no harsh words for the European Union.
Nikolai Patrushev, who became President Vladimir Putin’s advisor last year, gave an extensive interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. The outlet is considered the Kremlin’s unofficial propaganda mouthpiece. There he raised the topic of negotiations to end the conflict with Ukraine.
War in Ukraine. Russia: Peace negotiations “only” with the US
– We respect his statements when talking about concrete prospects for further development, taking into account the factors of President Trump. I believe that negotiations regarding Ukraine should take place between Russia and the United States. Without the participation of other Western countries.
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Patrushev said the European Union does not have a worthy leader with whom to discuss the conflict. “I have nothing to talk about with London and Brussels,” he said.
“For example, European Union leaders speak on behalf of a number of member states, such as Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Romania, who are interested in European stability and take a balanced stance towards Russia. has been prohibited for a long time,” he added.
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At the same time, Patrushev noted that Ukraine may not be a priority for Donald Trump as it is for Joe Biden. He said the US president would place more emphasis on relations with China.
Putin’s advisor: “Ukraine may disappear”
An adviser to President Vladimir Putin has said that the actions of some Western countries are leading to the slow destruction of Ukraine, which may soon “cease to exist.”
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Russia has not changed its position on the possibility of ending the war. Mr. Patrushev recalled that President Vladimir Putin had reiterated his conditions many times and that they were valid.
– It is also important for us that the world recognizes that the Russian Federation includes the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic (areas not recognized by the international community), Zaporizhye, Kherson, the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. The Constitution constitutes an integral part of our country and belongs to the Russian Federation, he commented.
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