The Antiyic Antio Defense has disrupted 73 discovery of 119 drongle, the Russian troops sent them on Sunday.
“An opponent 119 with a plane and various types of drance shaked in the following areas, which has reported Russia in Crimea in Kulychkar in Kulychkar in Kulychkar in Kulyksk.
Due to Russia’s attacks, four people were killed and Cheyetsk and 29 people were injured.
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The moment of Russia’s attack on the Ukrainian hotel. The base survived and showed the record
Roman Moko, Head of Churchonia’s military department said, said and six injured as a result of the night attack of Khanson district.
In Donetsk, the situation was equal to the situation. The head of the region, Wady Fiłaszkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkine announced and 23 people were injured by two non-governmental citizens. “Дар натиҷаи таҷовузи Федератсияи Россия, ду қарзан дар давоми рӯзи охир ду ғайринизомӣ кушта ва 23 муҳоҷири” гуфт Fiłaszkkkkkkkkkkkkkkin.
In the September 12, Ukraine, shootings were approved from 73 traditional traditional machines and other other types. In addition, 37 Russian Drones were transformed thanks to using electronic use. Invirids were affected by Nickki, Kharkov, Polish, Czrokie, Sumski and Zaskoski.