This information sounds like a joke, but it's definitely not. The Moscow Times, citing Telegram's Shot channel, reported that the head of the Federal Security and Anti-Corruption Project, Vitaly Borodin, has sent a letter to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation requesting that Santa Claus be recognized as Santa Claus. . foreign agent.
Russia. In defense of “traditional values” and Father Frost
According to the applicant, foreign companies promote the image of Santa Claus in order to destroy “traditional Russian values.”
Borodin noticed that Santa Claus was popular in countries unfriendly to Russia, and even within Russia was beginning to replace the traditional image of Father Frost.
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But Russia's battle with Santa Claus is far from over. The Moscow Times reported that a few days ago, Mikhail Ivanov, another Russian politician and chairman of the All-Russian National Movement Orthodox Russia and a member of the Bryansk Regional Duma, called for the removal of Santa Claus figurines from stores. He wrote that he requested it. He said they should be replaced with “traditional symbols of the Russian New Year.”
– Santa Claus became more of a symbol of trade and mass production than a symbol of Christmas. Its ubiquity in store windows is not a coincidence, but the result of a targeted marketing strategy, which erases the true spirit of the holiday and destroys our values, says Ivanov. I explained.
Russia. Laws against “foreign agents”
So-called foreign agents were adopted in Russia in 2012, and amendments were introduced in July 2022.
This change expands the definition of “agent,” previously defined as an individual or organization receiving financial assistance from a foreign country, to include individuals who are merely under unspecified “influence or pressure” from a foreign entity. Now you can
See: Nicholas on the Saint's Flying Sleigh Radom. police officers are controlling
In recent years, many representatives of the so-called opposition to the Kremlin have been registered as foreign agents. An outstanding figure of culture and art.
Among other things, Russian authorities considered him an “agent.” Dmitry Muratov, editor-in-chief of the independent Nova Gazeta and 2021 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
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