The decision to strengthen regulations regarding travel permits to Russia coincided with information revealed in January by the Ukrainian troops about bringing in a small number of Egyptian recruits fighting in the ranks of Russian forces.
Hundreds to thousands of Egyptians were incorporated into the Russian army, according to the Egyptian MASVA portal. These estimates are based on the number of Egyptians studying at universities in Russia, published on social media, and help you find missing relatives in Russia.
Russia. The number of students in Egypt is increasing
In 2018, 2.3,000 people studied in Russia. The Egyptians rose to 12,357 in the first year of Russian attacks in Ukraine, and last year exceeded 16,000. The Portal believes this growth is, among other things, an effect of Russia’s redundancy action that took place in Africa.
– Some Egyptian students are victims of seduction and will soon turn them into war-involved mercensaries – he confirmed in an interview with Arab intelligence services, Abrahim al-Masuri, and Ibrahim al-Masuri, a member of the Egyptian Parliament’s National Defense and National Security Committee. Congress explained that some of these recruits will one day return home and will pose a threat to their country’s national security.
Analyzing the ads posted on social media, the MASVA portal determined that by mid-year last year at least 25 Egyptians had died in Ukraine and were fighting in Russian uniforms.
Egypt. The worsening rules, travel to Russia is not so simple
Therefore, Care has determined that travelers going to Russia must provide evidence of employment and register with educational institutions. After this preliminary verification, they still have to obtain permission from the Egyptian Ministry of Home Affairs’ Immigration and Passport Office.
According to Egyptian security services mentioned in the Arab portal, these requirements have already significantly reduced the number of trips to Russia.
Last year, Kiev authorities recorded an increase in foreign citizens, primarily Africans, serving in the Russian military in Ukraine, highlighting the important participation of Egyptians in military operations. As calculated in January, French RFI radio stations are represented in large numbers in addition to Egyptians, as well as the presence of Russian mercensaries from the Cameroonians, Nigerians, Somalis and Wagner groups – as well as inhabitants of countries where their existence from Burkina Faso, Mali and Central African Republics is established.
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