On Friday, Ukrainian forces fired missiles at the city of Rilsk, Kursk region of Russia. “There are casualties and injuries,” said the Investigative Committee of Russia. But he did not say the number of victims. According to the officials of this region, the Ukrainians used American HIMARS missiles.
Information about the victims was published by the Russian Mash channel on Telegram, with a link to Reuters. The information provided there indicates that seven people, including a child, were killed in the attack. Aleksey Smirnov, the acting governor of the Kursk region, announced that the Ukrainian forces used the HIMARS missiles provided by the US.
The Russian Investigative Committee reported: “Ukrainian army fighters (…) attacked the city of Rilsk, Kursk region, where there were civilians.”
Rylsk, Kursk Region, Russia
Russian forces are conducting offensive operations in this region and are trying to recapture the territories occupied by Ukrainian forces in the summer.
Military operations of Ukraine in the Kursk region of Russia
Ukrainians still control part of the Kursk region that was occupied by the attack on August 6. Rylsk is a small town with a population of about 16,000.
At his annual news conference on Thursday, Vladimir Putin said Russia would regain the territory, but declined to say how long such an operation would take.
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North Korean soldiers on the side of Russia in the war with Ukraine
On Tuesday, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Oleksandr Sirskyi, said that Russian forces are stepping up attacks in the Kursk region. He added that Russia is “actively” recruiting North Korean troops there and they are suffering casualties.
At the beginning of November, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced that 11 thousand people live in this region. soldiers from North Korea.
This summer, the Ukrainian forces started offensive operations in the Kursk region of Russia in order to remove the enemy forces from the Donbass. At the end of August, Ukraine controlled 1250 square kilometers in this region. However, since September, the Ukrainian forces have lost ground as a result of the counterattack of the Russian army. In November, sources in the Ukrainian army reported that currently only about 800 square kilometers of Russian territory are under their control.
READ ALSO: Russians attacked Kiev. “The explosion occurred during the Rorat festival”
Main photo source: Reuters