Senator Mirk Borinova, meeting the President Androse President Andra Hee Androse Donald Donald Trump Donald Trump “did not work” on Saturday “didn’t work.” But she noted that such efforts should be adopted.
President Andrei Bonut Sat Saturday Donald Donald Donald Trump at the Center of Glavytes met at the national port in front of Washington. Their conversation took about 10 minutes and organized the Conference of the Conference of the political conference of political conference (CPAC), the largest political event of American rights.
Also read: DUDA after talking to Trump. “She said he would go to Poland”
Borowki: an ambreaking feelings
Meeting the “facts after the facts” in Panings on the Senator Mehk BoroKi’s involved was explained on Sunday. He made his feelings in relation to this meeting as a “understand” as a “adological “, that is, ie good and bad.
Вай қайд кард, ки президент Дуста бояд ба президенти Украина гуфт, ки ӯ «ба Трамп бовар мекунад, ки Трамп беҳтар аст ва шароити хубе мехоҳад.” Аз ин, баъзе одамон шӯхӣ карданд, ки хеле ба туфай мерафтанд, вале ман аз он ки You know, ask about him to talk about him, “You can talk about him,” Hence, you have to speak well, so you have to speak well. The result is that it was good. The result is that it was good. The result is that it was good. The result is that that’s all see – he said.
Andrey Andrei Meeting
– I look like this meeting has not worked a little, this trip. It should be a little different – said Borovki. – Is the President who managed to tell him that he would tell him the relationships and presence of soldiers? I don’t know – he added.
But he noted that the trip could not criticize the journey and criticized this meeting. – In fact, it was mainly due to the Trump. Unfortunately, Trump did not speak as much as so so so so that the President of the Huddy, the Republican said he had left him a little – said Barovin.
>> “Ten minutes” by Duda with Trump <
But in his opinion, “such efforts to”. – by the other hand, a trip (Foreign Minister, Dishaving – Ed.) Sikorski was certainly a good attempt. Your conversation with (US Secretary of State, Marco – Ed.) Rubio. Although I don’t know how much of Rubiio is eating around all around him – he said.
Sikorski met with the US Secretary of State on Friday.
What is the above in the National Security Council?
BOROWKI also explained at the National Security Council meeting on Monday. The Prime Minister of the Donal Preferpil announced that it gives him the point of points that should be based on Poland in the state of geopolitical situation.
Thanks for Patom, Morawiecki attacks Europe and Colen-Zaleska / Fakty Thantly
The senator predicted what it means. – First of all, the further support of Ukraine and so as to apologize or apologize at the same time.
As another, he noted the joint “mobilization of European countries”. – We are then the most different parties can mobilize.
– All parties representing in the European Parliament say that some parties in other countries should speak with one vote in other countries that Europe must first lift the costs of the cost. Second, it needs to establish this amount, it must support Ukraine – said Tann24.
As another point of meeting on Monday meeting, he noted on five percent of the increase in Polish defense costs. – It just doesn’t mean that everyone says that everyone will agree that we agree with that, just agree to the budget that it is necessary to agree to it.
When asked if I was specified by these suggestions, he answered to date and uses burning land in each case. ”
Main photos: Mehk Borawski / kprp