In years ago, the state building plant in Kreatenik is currently monitored by the Triging Group with the central office in Vuhhan. KraNik work is specialized in the field of production of mechanical parts for the vehicle industry. It also produces Taniki commercial vehicles and multiple vehicles.
During the sale of Ft to China in 2013 he worked for more than 2000. people. Today it is still one of the largest employers in the region. According to the pilot service office in Kraśnik, currently 1056 people. But after working out the last release, the number of employees decreases less than 100 less than the end of the work.
– On February 20, we are aware of the adopted events. There were 110 people to dismiss – in interview wp krzysztoff grzegorzzhzvorzzyk, the Director of the Proportion Food Director.
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Future Future Future Future. Poland. We have examined how they work
In fact, 90 people produce directly employees, 10 informal and 10 to payments per month, Ie in short term or contract.
Information obtained by the Labor Office has already been adopted as follows, because business allies have been fighting for each full-time work and saved some of them.
The employer announced that he wanted to slowly out of 110 people, and we sailed to 86 people to 81 people.
Arthur Ernnno
Chairman of the Metal Union Union on Fłennik
The National Federation of Trade Unions and the nine in the case of Kraśnik interfered that the Board to reduce the plan and dialogue on alternative planned solutions. Fzzmih MazMiHry Medołag emphasizes that liberalization is not limited to the weakening of the entire art.
Production has been stopped. The public frees are prepared. Complains to a stain
And how did it argue with the company’s management? FłT did not answer WP questions. It also took the edge by the Board Member. But the office of employment learned the reasons.
– Group of a difficult group from a difficult situation in the market, high energy expenses and staff; employees;
Representative of the trade union was also telling that the employer was explained at high costs of the economy.
– Paa, Gara, Ask, the edge, the first operations in our plant are many troops. Therefore, the owner wants these initial actions return the initial actions – Artur arrnoch.
The commercial union adds to the steel material in the form of roads, as the status of the company is cheaper for 300 percent. The release of the company must be linked to this change.
A large Polish company decreased. Hundreds of people lose things
Some of the people of the will use voluntary conduct, though there were very attractive conditions. You can work less over two years, they can work for the amount of salary, working up to eight years – three of years – three of years – three briefing.
– currently at the minimum wage levels 3/4 of the chest – said Arthur attra.
During 33 years he worked in FłT. She says he still gives up to 6,000. people. After the privatization of the plant in 2013, the new Chinese spread light plans.
“Between 2013 and 2014, the cost of sales of Fabrika Rollkina is 10.74 percent.
– Nothing changed better, on the contrary, it is getting worse every year. This is just the plant – believes that Artur Khalor Annot.
Kraenik semiNik before World War II, was built in 1938 as an American enterprise. Production of products began here in 1948.
Paweł buczkowskiki, Wittualna Pollska
To the Author: [email protected]
Poczta Polska pays the bonus for workers. There are known components