Protests in Serbia could not be stopped, and the resignation of Prime Minister Milos Vachevich, which reduced social tension, did not satisfy the demonstration. Symptoms of the whole country -15 people were killed shortly after construction disasters at a new orchard station, which started in November last year -they seem to have strength.
Young people have four basic requests. The honest explanation of the tragedy situation, all the related documents related to it, and punish guilty. The release of the detainee during the protest of the demonstration squad. Catch and judge the number of attacks on the students who have been increasing protest and education subsidies.
However, fulfillment of these conditions is an issue for authorities. Because the whole state is one of the rules of party corruption, the collapse of the Celvia progresses in the progressive party (SNS), which can be the loss of power by a leader who is not divided into the progressive party (SNS). 。
Serbia. Protest for large students. “Rotation protects you and kills us.”
As the professor shows. Lecturers of KonradpawłOWSKI-LUBLIN MARIA CURIE-SKłODODOWSKAUNIVERSITY and analysts-alicanDarvuczić of the Central European Research Institute are operated almost independently. -The system he created is similar to a soft dictatorship. This is because the parliament and the Gabi Net system are officially valid, and the Prime Minister should be at the forefront of the authorities, but the head of the state and effectively the Presidential government are actually behind control. Only he is counting -Be careful with interior dialogue.
The attachment of students, scholars, teachers, lawyers, or farmers attached to them do not believe in compliance by rulers and institutions. Society is increasingly claiming that SN will take over the nation and claims the joint nature of everyday life. Experts emphasize that the reluctance of the ruler of the new orchard and its transparent explanation has indicated the nature of the nation.
-One of the banners I saw in the protest said, “Rotation protects you and kill us.” This directly presents a corruption system between business and SNS. This spreads protection umbrellas for people related to the power responsible for the disaster. Experts explain when the general public is really threatened by death on the street.
Serbian authorities are changing strategies
In a special speech on Tuesday, President Alexander Vocchi announced next week that it will establish a new government as part of the current parliament or to write a new election. Until the next office was established, the Ministerial Meeting of Prime Minister Milos Vachebich has a technical nature.
-This so far has been mainly a change of power strategy through professional government media, has lost its trust in protests, underestimates their scale, and attacks demonstrators through hired people called Vatinus. did. Initially, the rulers’ attitudes are conflicted, and now 13 demonstrations have been released, and some provocations have begun to be caught, so they are now a little obedient -the professor explains. KONRADPAWłOWSKI.
At the same time, demo participants are separated from the political opposition of SNS, and the opposition of power supports only students, but they do not support them. On the other hand, the President did not say on Tuesday that it was mainly inspired by Croatian, Bosnians, Monteneglin, and Kosovo.
-This is a completely non -true paper -protests are grassroots and social, and students are organizing at university -emphasizes interior dialogue.
Protest in Serbia. Possibility of government dismissal and election. “It can be Trap.”
Analysts also point out that writing a new election can be a TRAP for rulers. The Serbians went to a poll on the average SNS period in 2014, 2016, 2020, 2022, and 2023, that is, every two years. So far, Vuczić has decided such frequent elections. He commanded a social ID, and the victory was secured by the use of many operations and bribery proven by the OSCE report.
-A about 10 % belongs to the party because it is best to create a career or find a workplace. Citizens who have been mobilized for many years to vote for grouping with their families. If Aleksandarvuczić wins such a counterfeit election, the problem will remain unchanged -an expert says.
He emphasizes that opposition demands the establishment of a superpressive transition to a super -parties with experts, but the President’s creation of such an office that supervises the next election can cause VUCZIC’s loss. Due to the gender, such a scenario is determined and excluded.
The president claims that he has met the assumption, but the protest is a different opinion -states continue to protect contractors in the corruption system, and the explanation of disasters collapses the entire network of mutual connections. There is a possibility. According to the professor. Powofsky, because an open survey is a construction, transportation close to his colleagues, and former Minister Golan Vessic, the former Minister of Infula, is in charge of the rebuilding of the station, so that power and his own image are created. You may be afraid.
Serbia between Europe and Russia. The west is silent
How is the protest related to international situations? Serbia under Aleksandar vuczic has no long -term foreign policy, but is based on four basic pillars: the European Union, the United States, China, and Russia. Thus, Beograd has implemented multiple Longar policies between democracy and authoritarian state, which reflects his internal policy in a seasons.
Professor, however, Konradpawłowski pointed out that the west side had water in the mouth and did not comment on political crisis, despite the demands of students from Brussels and Washington.
-Vuczić is a specific element that stabilizes West Valcans to restrict Bosnia and Herzegovina’s separation movements and guarantee the durability of agreement with Kosovo. In addition, the opposition is divided and quarreled, and there are political parties in Pro -Europe and Prorosia. As a result, the west side may be afraid that the acquisition of power by the Vitzi enemies could mean further confusion of Be Grado. In the game, a large -scale resource -raw material of lithium. This is used by the EU based on agreements on the production of electric vehicles in July 2024, and can take on the global competition with China. Indicates the territory of Serbian.
In October 2024, Prime Minister Kosovo Albinkuli called Serbia in an interview with “Newsweek” and “Russian Trojan Mikima”. So how is Cremlin related to allies? DMITRY PIESKOW said on Tuesday that Beograd was a “important partner,” and Moscow said, “I want the Serbian brothers to solve all problems as soon as possible.” Professor, but Konradpawłowski pointed out that the west is now a more important vector for Vuczic.
-The Russia wants to grasp the power to emphasize that he has received the support of Vladimir Putin until 2022. However, after the broke out of the war, he tilted west -he sold Ukraine weapons through intermediaries and purchased French fighters, Rafare. However, since Serbian society is still a professional Russian, Visitic is not completely cut off by Russia, even if he does not impose sanctions between Moscow and the EU. But he explains that he is trying to become independent from gasprom and Russian raw material energy.
Is Serbia waiting for the revolution? “You cannot refuse script”
How do you have a restless situation in Serbia? Professor Konradpawłowski emphasizes that citizens are tired of the 13 -year advanced party, and a major change in society.
-The students did not want, but suddenly became political actors. Aleksandarvuczić and his team are politicians in the 90s, and young people are different generations with different mentality. Serbia was in confusion, but this has no simple solution. We emphasize the talker.
However, the analyst says, “If the authorities do not meet the demonstration’s demands -and that either he wants or cannot, may escalate protests. Warns the risk.
-Dids require changes in state power and better criteria, but Alexandal Vetidic doesn’t want to leave. The 2000 script cannot be refused when the power of Slobodan Miloszevic is defeated.
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