“Daniel’s complaints” was detained. That was condemned for mine protection. He stolen the copper cable. Then he disappeared.
T. Many years ago with his partners, he attacked protecting the protection of by the Bethsites. According to the police, when spoils he saw a bow to cut the metal. Copper template at the time Denis T. and his colleagues.
“She’s not waiting for a single visit”
The man was sentenced to prison three years and a month for this action. However, she did not serve a sentence.
The members went behind. Finally, she is suspended by employees of a review group of the search council and KWP branch in Katawice, she stops police.
The man was arrested by the police
“The person was no doubt waiting for a single visit and did not resist the police.” – Reporting the police. 23-year-old is already brought to prison.
Source of Key Photo: Serial Police