On Thursday, Sergey Lavrov attended the meeting of the Council of Ministers of the OSCE in Malta. As the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry began to speak, the diplomats, including Radoslav Sikorski, left the room. The head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already announced that “he will not listen to lies and will not sit at the same table with Lavrov.” In the WP “Newsroom” program, the president of the Euro-Atlantic Association, Jerzy Marek Nowakowski, was asked whether the voice of Sikorsky reaches Europe and is heard. – It reaches Europe and is heard. The question is whether it is acceptable. I have no doubt that this will cause admiration in France, in Germany, in the western part of Europe, – explained the guest of the program. According to Nowakowski, Poland should make an agreement with the Scandinavian countries and the countries of the eastern flank, which will lead to the isolation of Russia. – For many German and French politicians, returning to the dialogue with Russia is an extremely interesting prospect – said the guest of the program. He added that it is in Poland's interest to make Europe believe that Russia is a part of Asia.
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