A recording of Robert Fiko talking about the “moral near-moral” halt of gas supply to Ukraine flowing through Slovakia appeared online on Monday. The Slovak Prime Minister criticized Woudd Mirzelansky after Kiev stopped the possibility of gas passing from Russia to several European countries, including Slovakia, in the beginning of January.
See: opposition Robert Fico Hourias. Accusation of desire to assassinate the Slovak nation
Now, Ficy’s statement indicates that it was Ukraine that began receiving raw materials from Slovakia in gas pipelines after the Russian attacks were severely violated last week. – This is the gas that Ukraine freezes. Slovakia is not involved – he was quoted by “The Truth of Europe”.
Robert Fiko hits Ukraine. He previously said he was tired of Zellankie.
The head of Bratislava’s government emphasized that foreign companies are suppliers of raw materials. -But we have the “moral right” to consider how to stop delivery to Ukraine – FICO is recognized, and its message is that 7.5 million cubic meters of gas currently make Slovakia a day a day It shows that it flows.
A month ago, FICO praised Zelanski with acute language. – He drives Europe, ribs, terrifying mail and seeks money. It must end – he added that it “disgusting” the Ukrainian president. At the same time, he pointed out that Russia never “deceived” his country, in contrast to Kiev. These words were responses to Ukraine’s halt of Russian gas transport. Learn more here.
On January 9, the Slovak prime minister said he was considering taking further retaliation against Ukraine after his government withdrew from its contract with Russia’s Gazprom. Even sooner, he threatened to cut Ukraine from emergency power sources and on humanitarian blockades.
End of Russian gas transport through Ukraine
Russian gas exports to Europe ended on January 1st, when the transportation contract between Ukraine and Russian Gazprom expired. Kiev refused to renegotiate the contract and provided Moscow revenues that could be used to fund hostility.
Last year, Slovakia tried to extend its transport contract, considering a solution consisting of purchasing gas and taking over it before it reaches Ukraine for transportation. However, FICO said Ukrainian President Vody Mirzelansky has ended the possibility of an agreement at the summit of the European Union in December.
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