The cable car breakdown occurred on Tuesday morning on the southern slopes of the Chopok summit in the Lower Tatras. As Slovak services reported on social media, the outage involved the A2 Kosodrevina-Chopok line train.
A total of 12 skiers, including 10 students between the ages of 16 and 17, were trapped in the vehicle. Rescuers from the Regional Rescue and Fire Center of the Lower Tatra Region, the Regional Rescue and Fire Center of the Western Tatra Region, Ziarska Dolina and the Avalanche Prevention and Education Center rushed to the rescue.
Slovakia. Skiers evacuated from cable car to Chopok
“Mountain rescue teams gradually evacuated all the trapped people from the three cable cars using ropes. From there, ski resort employees transported them to the Kosodrevina Hotel, where they received hot drinks.” authorities reported.
All the evacuated skiers were then taken by cable car to the station below Krupova. Since there were no injuries, the victim was able to move to the accommodation on his own.
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