If this elections will be held on Sunday, they won the citizenship of the citizens – according to a new survey RMF for RMF FM. Second place is taken by the Law and Justice, which recorded the largest reduction of previous research.
The support of the former civil authorities decreased compared to the previous study of 234 0.1% and amounted to 31.8 percent. 27.9 percent shall vote for the law and justice. Respondents is more than 2.8 pp than January study. The third place was in new research with an increase in 5.2 pp and support provided by 18.7%. Берун аз болои подиум, роҳи сеюм хоҳад буд (8 фоиз коҳиш ёфта, чапи нав (5,5 фоиз, паст шудани 0,1 pp) ва ҳизби умумӣ (2,9%, афзоиши аз 0, 9 PP).
0.7 percent of respondents declared voting for the other party and 4.6% votes to the question “to which election committee votes (you vote,” difficult. ” EU chosing 7.4 percent. Respondents.
Which of the polling station call you (do you give a vote)
Also see: who’s the presidential election? Clear growth to support one candidate
Pay attention in the election – year
To the question “If the election was held on Sunday, do you receive (you got)?” 57% of people answered “No doubt” and 22 percent “. The “not” no “no” no “option was selected by 9 percent. respondents. The same percentage of respondents «definitely», 3 percent. Respondents said they were said. “
In the previous tax, 56 percent of respondents declared to go to surveys and 24 percent, this “not”. A lack of preparation were expressed by the voting. People and other 2 percent stated that it was difficult to say whether it goes to polling stations.
The new study was held from 10-13 February 10-13, the delegation was held. Telephone telephones (CATI) have been used with this.
See also: The files believe in the civilization? Poll
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket