On Wednesday, the avalanches near the French Department has stated a group of Skies. Three people were killed – and the Agency’s agency told the local authorities.
In the Valentic ski ski’s ski office in the center of the Valentic ski in the center of 16.30. Three killed in accordance with local authorities, three sgergers. They were a member of the group of seven, which were observed from the avalanches, which were removed by the mountain slope with a height of 2822 meters above sea level. One of the people people’s serious injuries and directed by helicopters in Grenables.
Jacques Arnouxm, Val-Kenish said that experienced people are equipped with the avalanches detectors. In accordance with the AFP data, three of other serious serious injuries did not reach them.
VAR -CCENIS IN SABADII branch – photo
The deadly victims of avalanches
10 Firefighter, which studied in this field were included in the residence transaction. After that, this year’s balance in this NG-French region increased to five people. Also on Wednesday, the Swiss tourism near the Aiguletett near Poluilette was killed around Grandz Monters – British skirts.
PAP, AFP, France3-REGions.FrancetTetvinfo.fr
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