We have committed a part of a crime, we bring it a little. Police: That’s too much better
Photo: Border Guard
What is the truth about the “incoming crime” in Poland? According to the scale of all committed crimes, criminals have been removed from four to five percent, indicated from the Categories for the Police Returns.
Our tongues should stay unknown. He is the Office of Office of the Political Agency, which coordinates the coordination of international crime and a foreign crime over the years. He is also the experience related to the Polish police Representation in other countries in other countries.
The conversation was held in the presence of a speaker of the Chargema Commander – Karkariza Karkisha Kataraka Kataraka.
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Robert ZiyiSk: We will hear the concept of “Introduction Crime. What does the police hide them for years?
KGP Officer: Large migration contribute to the growth of crime. Today, we have migrated to the columns in 2004, as our compatriots were migrated to the British. But we return to the question, I am not intended to insult any nation. Naturally, it becomes difficult to find the existence between those who improve their existence.
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