– There is much debate about what artificial intelligence is and how it can be regulated. We are not sure where Qvo Vadis AI is or what we want to achieve with it. We are growing on our side a certain phenomenon of inanimate matter that is already superior to us in efficiency. Artificial intelligence is still in its infancy, and no one can say where it will eventually take root. “Quantum technology is also knocking at our door,” noted Dr. Damian Flisak. The European Union is taking important steps to keep pace with the development of artificial intelligence. WP journalist Agnieszka Kopach-Domanska talked about this with experts from the European Union. According to Dr. Flisak, this is a challenge for the EU due to the rapid pace of technological innovation and the diversity of approaches in member states. Brussels' strength is its emphasis on values such as privacy and security, which over time can become a competitive advantage. However, it is not yet clear how far AI will go. Watch the full conversation to learn more. The material was developed in cooperation with the European Parliament.
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