The prosecutor’s office has not terminated the investigation of the Naptut’s obligations in the “student” program in the “student” program. The program was monitored by the Prosecutor.
– Everyone shows that during the tender, the state of corruption could be taken – the title of the Prime Minister – Higher of the Prime Minister at Krzysvtof GaWkissovski 20. 2024.
Formality of Guarantees of Investigation
“February 28, the district prosecutor in Warsaw is investigating the characteristics of the” Laptop Program in the Default weight program, which acted in the Program of the Liver, I.e. 231 § 1 1 1 Code “. – A charitable prosecutor’s office of Potr Antonia, spokesman for the district prosecutor’s office in Warsaw in Warsaw in Warsaw in Warsaw.
As described, the “procedure is based on distributed materials, the validity of decisions is also infected and” this resolution illegally complains to the Ministry of Number. ”
The digital minister was due to April 6 from 6 April 2023, 2023, 20223, in 16 days – changed to him. From December 13, 2023, Gawkinski is the MC head.
“Laptop for student program”
A free Laptop For Every Four -Grade IS a Promise Made by MateUSz Morawiecki and Przemysław Czarnek. Each of his parents who goes to the fourth grade was to take a laptop from the government to the exceptional home.
The tender has been implemented for the purchase of laptops according to the “student for the student” from October 20222. This program was completed in February 2024.
Read as follows: Minister offers notice to the prosecutor’s office. It’s about the laptop for students >>>
After the first year, about fifteen thousand devices from the “Laptop for the student’s program was found in the same way on October 6.
On February 8, 2002, the Minister of Negation in a joint Conference with the Minister of Education announced with the Minister of Education, the “student” program program. She announced that the program “Name” program was established in its place.
Source of main photos: Olegri / Longtock