The Flood Storm has hit the Iberian Penalon on Monday. She has made an acute rainfall. Then, the Dalogural River poured under the Guadhar River, the Guadhar River, a part of the Sangud Laver Ridey. Local police and civil guardians from where there are 40-year evocual, which has been overthrown near the river.
There is heavy rains from Dushanbe in the many parts of Spain. In great areas, it poured the snow. AURA LIVENTENT AURA is associated with Lautic storm that hit the Jinis Peninsula.
Snow in Spain
Meteorological notifications in Spain
Synegrs of the Spanish metorological agency is undertaking the first and second degree awareness of the first and secondary awareness against severe rains. The message shows that in 12 hours, 80 liters of rain fell in a square meter. Sea represents high waves on high waves on the shores and fog. The air troops are also possible that do not occur in this part of Europe.
The weather conditions of the weather has occurred on Monday on Monday, which occurred in Karast and Leon, Mapy-La. Finally, Aura can be threatened all times to health and life. The directions of meteorological communication is available by heavy rains.
A movie crew has been evacuated
The heavy precipitations meant to pour the river of the Gwads river. Sanle La Mayar remained in the Sevilian Province. Local police and civil guardians on Monday, 40 is a 40-year-old film film, which are headed near the river. As local media writes, the film crew is trapped with a sudden increase in water level. The evacuation was held on a A-472 highway.
Do not notice the non-notes
Synopstic said that Laurenia is worried at least on Tuesday. On Wednesday, “the moment of transition” come to visit that the weather will be a moment. Nevertheless, the other storm has already been formed that can lead to the other other. Although the prophecies say it will be back into areas to the regions than he will help. It’s raining at least Friday.,,
Main photos: PAP / epa / Juuiin Peres