Sunday, storms can look at a part of the country. The second half of the day he is to the neighbors of our southern neighbors and possible to allow the tip of the border to the cross. Also at the beginning of the week, there will be favorable conditions for the development of the storm.
As described by the synstimet of Tvmett reviewed.pleta Artleta Newon-pyzioletłek, on Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday is the storm in Central Asia on Sunday. The second half of the day it in the southern Germany, in the cool cold font. The first priority of the Czech Republic and the after-day must apply to the Polish border. Bright clouds with vertical development can be entered into a cylasisy series and a year, wyży śląska and tatra mountains and podhal.
Turning on and storms in the coming days
According to the prophecies, it can also sound on the monday – the largest probability is expected. On top of the mountains is located on the Southeast border. Across the country, the day is in the Clelwhile, the rain rains up to 5 liters per square meter. It can only get in a more podkarpaceie to 10 l / sq m m.
The Tuesday conditions will disappear and the day gets basically moderate and moderate. Another raining channel will be brought up by Wednesday – in most Poland, in addition to the Northwest, the loading rains to 5-10 l / sqw. At the next days, on Thursday and Friday, the models do not predict the heavy rainfall in Poland.
Precipitated precipitations below
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket