The air for today. Wednesday 26.03 will be another other cloud day and rains in many areas. Aura will be a little pleasant only in southern country. During the day, there will be a large difference between north and south among Poland.
On Wednesday, typically a cloud oуosity will be in Poland. The sky is clear, but at the Central Asian Center 4 liters of rain per square meter, in the northwest to 1 l / s / sq. M. Without precipitation, the day will pass only on the East Polic, although in the sky and clouds of heavenly clouds there appear there.
On our thermometers from 9 degrees we see in the Northern regions, it is 10-11 degree, up to 17-11 degrees, up to 17 degrees to 17 degrees to 17 degrees. The wind of the south turns behind behind west to the west and northwest. It will be more weak and stable, but in northern Polish can be stronger and 30-4-40 kilometers per hour.
Weather for Wednesday
Biometo conditions on Wednesday
During the day, the humidity will be about 50 percent in the southern southeast to 90 percent in the waist of mosquitis and podus of the floor. In the north, we will be cooled in the south warm – in other areas, we will become terroric comfort. It may be biological conditions for neutral neutering conditions that are given unfavorable is only favorable in Southeast.
Biometo conditions on Wednesday
Weather for Today – Warsaw
Warsaw’s residents are up to Wednes while Wedning, large and generally increases. The poor rainfall can fall. Therometers show up to 10 degrees that C. Southwest have weak and stable. We see 1002 HPA in half of the distresses.
Weather for Today – Gdyuria, GdaS, Sopot
Great margin will be strict raining in Gdyyia, Gdaye, Gdańs and SPAO, and the circle. The thermometers will see up to 9 degrees, the northern northern wind will be the wind. The pressure will be at the afternoon 1016 HPA.
Weather for Today – Poznań
Wednesday brings a lot of clouds in the barn. The rain. The maximum temperature will be 11 degrees. At the afternoon, the boometers will show 1006 HPA.
Weather for Today – Wrockaw
Cloud Wednes of clouded with periodic rainfall for the periodic rainfall. The thermometers are maximum 9 degrees C. West and northwest, the wind will be weak and moderately. In the afternoon in the Mailets We will see 1003 HPA.
Weather for Today – Krakov
The sky on the top of the Krakov cloud at the first and moderate part of the day, later clouds. The rain should not rain, but the foggy, fog, fog and low clouds. In the thermometers we see 15 degrees C. First variable and weak, then the west and northwest wind. The pressure reaches 990 hpa in lunch.
Main photos: Vadi Fuoco / Shuttock