On Sunday, the day is celebrated. On the occasion of this holiday, the US National American Agency and the Atmosphere (Naaa) published a “Sharns” agency. The famous film of the famous film was lower than Pennsylvania in the rating.
WISZ ‘day (on the English underground day) celebrated the annual holiday that is celebrated in the United States on February 2 and Canada. Her hero Mardrot (Mardaxa Marmaba Mardast) that is in accordance with the tradition of the spring actress or next winter weeks. This tradition began in Pexutsouthin, Pennsylvania by the famous fharing fhard. According to the belief, if the weather is cloudy and the animal that does not see the shade after leaving the dare you to wait for the sharp spring coming. Otherwise, when the avenue sees the shade and hides in a hole, the winter lasts the winter.
This holiday celebrates all over the world, but now “forces” not only Mararcor, but other other animals, such as ducks, alligators, fish and considerations.
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Noaa rating
The US National Agency and the Academy of Acts and Agency for Atmetrics (Naaa) published a “Sharehold”. First place by fating with the name of the talach G. Type received usually called. He lives in the zoo on the Statiston Island, New York. He acts as a formal meteorologist in New York. According to Naaa, the test of its predictions is up to 85 percent. Her behavior may be negligible in spite of the weather forecast. Once he took the nine york substance in New York hands.
Generalist Batt Masdard Lee was second with Georgia. Its prophecies make up 80 percent.
The third spot does not belong to the death, but as a dog of a bronze price. It is in Wyoming mode. His predictions are 70 percent.
Film Shilo Naiko in the ranking
Branch Philo Marmay was only in Pennsylvania alone. His predictions only work in 35 percent.
The turtle rating takes the Mojave Fax. It comes from the State of Naida. The testing of its predictions is only 25 percent.
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